Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Back from DR Congo.

Back from DR Congo... a busy and productive time.  I'm in a hotel in Nairobi now - nice to have hot water again! Nairobi seems very ordered and civilized compared to Kinshasa - amazing how our perspectives change.
Really quickly...
We arrived at Kinshasa on Saturday and went straight to a church Youth Conference where Melinda spoke and I sang a song I wrote a while back called "Holy is the Lord" which had been translated into French - I gave it a crack in French which went okay I think! 
I spoke at two services at a church on Sunday, and sang a few songs with them. By the way, I'm pretty happy with my little Cort travel guitar (Cort Earth Mini - a 3/4 size acoustic with a pickup) - I had to 'plug and play' quite a bit whilst in Congo, rarely a soundcheck - in fact, rarely got to meet the musos I was playing with beforehand - so I'm teaching the song completely on the fly - that's the African way!
We visited a couple of great projects that are initiatives of Daniel Kawata, who hosted us while we were there.  A school which comprises teaching of kids, and also adults, with some micro enterprise business opportunities for women, and a medical centre.  These are both in a very very poor area of Kinshasa and are excellent projects that we'd like to have continued involvement with.

A whole lot of other stuff - but I'll have to update some other time! 

Check out the latest pics... they're on this slide show:

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