Monday, April 21, 2008

April 2008 - Exchange Trip

Well here we are again - on the way to Africa. This time principally for the conference our church is hosting called "Exchange" in Nairobi, Kenya. (see More about that later...

Right now as I write this, I'm in Johannesberg airport (and have been for the last 6 hours) and it's FRRREEZZING!!! Who would have thought we'd be cold, but Melinda & I are rugged up here, waiting for our connecting flight to Kenya, which leaves at 1:10am. The lounges and shops are all now closed, so we're just trying to get a little sleep on some seats at the airport... (*Daryn sneezes*) With such a long layover, we've managed to try out every coffee establishment, at least walk by every shop twice - even got a massage. Now, as happens in Africa.... hurry up and wait!

More later.

1 comment:

Nic said...

Miss you guys already and am thinking of you all...especially when I made my Ducale coffee this morning...I just thought of you and Melinda struggling to find a decent coffee - I will pray for you both! Love Nic.