Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Safari & Capetown

We finished off Exchange with a huge day on Thurdsay, which was fantastic. It was really sad to see everybody go their separate ways - we now have friends in so many different countries, it will take us months of travelling next time to visit them!! I'll post some pics when I get the chance.

We then went on safari for 3 days (no internet!!) which was really cool. Same place as I went last time "Ilkeliani" and it was great to chill out a bit with the team after everyone worked so hard to host the conference. The highlight of the safari was seeing a cheetah just minutes after it had killed an impala - it was still eating some of it, and had the new born impala just wandering around it, completely unaware of the predator that had killed its mother, and oblivious to the fact that it was going to be the cheetah's breakfast the next day! Gross, but a highlight nonetheless!!

Again - i'll post some more pics & video sometime when I get some time.

I'm in Capetown at the moment with Trevor Sampson (he says hi to you all!) and checking out what's happening with 'Restoring the Sound'. He's doing a sensational job here, with huge vision and wonderful results even now.

Looking forward to getting home now though! More later...


Anonymous said...

oh man, that's some sweet cheetah. i hope you didn't recycle 'zebra crossing' and 101 other terrible jokes to tell on safari!

Daryn Sutton said...

Oh we had plenty more where that came from... remember Daniel was with me!